2023 Thesis Presentations
Seth hindall
Be a Man!
For most of history, the role of men has been simple: protect, provide, and procreate. However, in the current era of shifting gender norms, many men find their traditional roles taken or devalued, and the question of what is a man arises. Modern society offers two radically different answers, that being the hyper masculine man and the hypo masculine man. However, the only way to answer this question is to look to Jesus, for as he is the perfect human, he is also the perfect male, in soul, mind and body. View Thesis Presentation
mihai otsuka
Salvation from Sorrow:
God’s Provision for the Downcast
Ever since the fall, mankind has been plagued with a spiritual disease called depression. Throughout many years people have formed coping mechanisms in hopes of saving themselves. However there is no true way to be saved except through Christ, who makes a way for people to effectively manage depression through his provision. First, God makes a way through his character. Second, God makes a way through his Word. And the third, He makes a way through man’s obedience. View Thesis Presentation
emma kuyper
Modeling The Forgiver
The act of repenting and forgiving has become marginalized, becoming a courtesy rather than an act of restoration. Man does not understand forgiveness because man does not fully understand sin. Forgiveness is not understood due to man’s lack of understanding of sin because of three misconceptions about forgiveness. First, is that man is ignorant of his own sin. Second, that man excuses others’ sin, and third, he wrongly believes that forgiveness removes consequences. View Thesis Presentation
gio sigetic
Stewardship of Health
In a world with a broken, sinful and mistaken perspective on physical health, Christians should put off worldly traditional thinking and put on a biblical understanding and application of caring for the body. God has provided all that we need for ourselves thus we should care for our bodies with this in the forefront of our thinking. Christians have been misled about how they think about health. There are many reasons that it is difficult to obtain health. Yet, Christians can and should seek to pursue a healthier lifestyle. View Thesis Presentation